Bike Tune Up Day

Details to follow, but we are looking to pull all the bikes out, give them a once over, fix anything that needs attention, and get ready to pedal!


Walking/Hiking Programs We start a walking series Friday May 10th starting around 9am and running through June 14. Then we will start hiking on Friday June 21th starting around 9am (will confirm time and location weekly) We plan on staring out with some short hikes and increasing distance and difficulty each week. New this year , we […]

LABBB School Visit

The LABBB School had so much fun last summer that they are coming for another visit on June 5th & 6th. They will be biking at Great Glen Trails on Wednesday the 5th from 9-12 and doing a short hike on the morning of Thursday the 6th.

LABBB School Visit

The LABBB School had so much fun last summer that they are coming for another visit on June 5th & 6th. They will be biking at Great Glen Trails on Wednesday the 5th from 9-12 and doing a short hike on the morning of Thursday the 6th.


Walking/Hiking Programs We start a walking series Friday May 10th starting around 9am and running through June 14. Then we will start hiking on Friday June 21th starting around 9am (will confirm time and location weekly) We plan on staring out with some short hikes and increasing distance and difficulty each week. New this year , we […]


Walking/Hiking Programs We start a walking series Friday May 10th starting around 9am and running through June 14. Then we will start hiking on Friday June 21th starting around 9am (will confirm time and location weekly) We plan on staring out with some short hikes and increasing distance and difficulty each week. New this year , we […]

Charity Bingo!

Join us for a fun night of Bingo! and raise some money at the same time! We'll be at The Red Parka, with some awesome prizes too!


Walking/Hiking Programs We start a walking series Friday May 10th starting around 9am and running through June 14. Then we will start hiking on Friday June 21th starting around 9am (will confirm time and location weekly) We plan on staring out with some short hikes and increasing distance and difficulty each week. New this year , we […]


Monday July 8, 15, 22, 29 Canoeing at Purity Springs - 12:20-2:45


Tuesday July 9, 16, 23, 30 Biking at Great Glen Trails - 9:00-12:00