The 3rd Annual White Mountain Jeep Invasion will be held on September 9th, 2017 and is hosted by Granite State Offroad
This main event will be held at Attitash Mt. Resort right at the base of the slopes 10am to 4pm. We will have Jeep and off road vendors, raffles, full access to facilities, live band, cash-grill on the deck, bar, and discounts for the Attitash activities.
All raffle sales and a portion of every Jeep registration will be donated to AbilityPLUS Adaptive Sports.
We will follow the event with an optional group ride up the Mt. Washington Auto. The mountain will be shut down for us as we make the sunset crawl up the Northeast’s tallest mountain! Limited to 300 Jeeps.
Registration will begin on Sunday July 30th 2017. But can also be done at and on the day of, the event.